

STC Number
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Installation of a True North Simphone System with Global SwiftBroadband. Certification Basis The Certification Basis (CB) for the original product remains applicableto this certificate/ approval.The requirements for environmental protection and the associatedcertified noise and/ or emissions levels of the original product areunchanged and remain applicable to this certificate/ approval. Limitations -,,Standard Aero Master Data List, ref.doc. 1021093, Revision D, dated16th December 2011;-,,FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement, ref. doc. 1021218,Revision A, dated 16th December 2011;-,,Airworthiness Limitations specified in Standard Aer (...) Conditions Prior to installation of this design change it must be determined thatthe interrelationship between this design change and any otherpreviously installed design change and/ or repair will introduce noadverse effect upon the airworthiness ofthe produc (...)

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Gulfstream G-IV, G300, G400, G-1159C
Gulfstream GIII, G-1159A, G1159B
Gulfstream GV
Gulfstream GV SP, G500, G550

Product Description

Installation of a True North Simphone System
with Global SwiftBroadband.

Certification Basis
The Certification Basis (CB) for the original
product remains applicableto this certificate/
approval.The requirements for environmental
protection and the associatedcertified noise
and/ or emissions levels of the original
product areunchanged and remain applicable
to this certificate/ approval.

-,,Standard Aero Master Data List, ref.doc.
1021093, Revision D, dated16th December
2011;-,,FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual
Supplement, ref. doc. 1021218,Revision A,
dated 16th December 2011;-,,Airworthiness
Limitations specified in Standard Aer (...)

Prior to installation of this design change it
must be determined thatthe interrelationship
between this design change and any
otherpreviously installed design change and/
or repair will introduce noadverse effect upon
the airworthiness ofthe produc (...)

Please contact modification supplier for further details.

STC Status: Revision Level:
STC Date: 30/01/13
Responsible Office: EASA


Your benefits
